Monday, 22 October 2012

Funny facts or jokes

                              Find a joke or piece of trivia about your band instrument. 
Share this interesting fact or humorous anecdote with your classmates.  Here is one website to check out:

Monday, 15 October 2012

Recording Time

        Record yourself playing a song, either from the band method book or sheet music. This may be either video or audio.  See Miss Helms if you require assistance with this.

Watch/listen to your recording.  Assess yourself and be prepared to discuss your performance on the following criteria:

      (1)    Correct notes and rhythms
      (2)    Tone quality (sound your instrument produces)
      (3)    Dynamics (how loud or how soft)
      (4)    Articulation (tonguing/slurring, etc)

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Find an audience member

Ask a friend or family member to listen to you play a song or selection of short songs on your instrument.  Ask them to watch for these three playing techniques:

(1)    How often do I breathe?
(2)    How loud or soft did I play?
(3)    Did I demonstrate good posture and holding position?
Think about: What was it like performing for someone?  Did they give you any tips that will improve your playing?

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Tone Quality Listening Assignment

Please find a recording (audio/video) that best represents good tone quality on your instrument. 
Ideally, this should be performed by a professional musician who has developed their sound over many years of practice.  Observe how the factors that impact tone quality (breath support, use of air, embouchure/bowing technique, posture and holding position, articulation/tonguing, dynamics, tuning) all come together to produce good tone.  If you find an excellent recording for your instrument, please post a link in the comment section for others to find.  Happy listening!